Sunday, April 3, 2016

This box can give up smoking Kill me or not

This box can give up smoking? Kill me or not

The strongest smoking ban says

Starting from June 1, Beijing launched the smoking is strictly prohibited in the history of China, in accordance with that provision, smoking is prohibited in all indoor public places in Beijing. In fact, both the Government and individuals, tobacco is the presence of poppy: knowing that harmful but cannot refuse. Beijing will release most non smoking, other provinces and cities in China has failed to do, universal legal recognition is not enough on the one hand, on the part of local government revenues significantly dependent on the huge tobacco industry. Personally, even if initially refused, knowing that smoking amounts to killing, smoking by the time control. Smoking cessation and treatment is essentially the same pain, now abroad launched a smart cloud, through your daily habits and hobbies, subtly help you stop smoking. How much, and Lei Feng network small make up look.

Nicotrax thing of the smart box

This box can give up smoking? Kill me or not

Nicotrax is an intelligent cloud box, you can record your smoking time, frequency, locations, with whom data APP data to the cloud, and match the system according to different living habits and hobbies, to quit tips your phone push customized content. Known as mentally, physically, and socially Trinity help to give up smoking. Concrete push content in four areas:

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This box can give up smoking? Kill me or not

Medical support

Smoking data users will be transferred to the doctor ends are good at helping smokers to give up smoking, doctors can monitor the smoker the whole quitting process, depending on the circumstances push treatment recommendations.

Encouragement and distraction

When you try to smoke when system will push your lover's pictures and words. Or some distraction from content, such as articles, videos, games, and more. In addition to your current achievement data for smoking cessation has been made, the purpose of this exercise is to help smokers smoking habits into good habits.

This box can give up smoking? Kill me or not

Looking for alternatives

Relative to the psychological and physiological aspects of nicotine dependence is the most difficult to overcome. Nicotrax be available when you feel like smoking a cigarette substitute proposals, such as coffee, chewing gum, lozenges, electronic cigarettes.


A person quit smoking are very lonely and difficult to adhere to things, Nicotrax on the software side to build a healthy, smoke-free community users to share resources and information to help people out of the habit. Moschino Galaxy S4 Case

Nicotrax smart cloud box battery for 15 weeks, with Bluetooth lost functions. Developers said that follow-up will join the push in support of smart wearable devices.

This box can give up smoking? Kill me or not

On the whole, thing of the Nicotrax box product logic is that the aunt role playing a windbag, every time you smoke a cigarette, push the system will give you a message, remind you that smoking is harmful to health, and to think of someone you love, or you can also have other hobbies and alternatives, make sure you do? Non-smoking it? You have smoked than can do tomorrow?

According to statistics, the global smoking every 10 seconds a person because of loss of life, smoking has long been a consensus for their own health and family happiness, must do something to stop smoking.

The product is currently indiegogo website to raise, the minimum version of the early bird price of $ 70, as of press time distances have raised over 39 days.

For more cool intelligent hardware information, please pay attention to odd public number (woaiqiku), in odd public key, you can buy, and I'm not gonna tell you, register as a network of Lei Feng (search for "Lei feng's network", public interest) members can obtain the benefits of super well.

Nicotrax thing of the smart box

11 votes Moschino S4 Case

Nicotrax thing of the smart box

Nicotrax is an intelligent cloud box, you can record your smoking time, frequency, locations, with whom data APP data to the cloud, and match the system according to different living habits and hobbies, to quit tips your phone push customized content.

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